The 7 Points of Armenia’s Five-Year Government Program

After four days of heated debate, Armenia’s National Assembly (parliament) adopted the draft government program for 2019 to 2023. Eighty two members voted for the program, 37 against, and no one abstained.

The program drew heavy criticism from the opposition parties for not being detailed enough, and lacking quantitative and measurable performance indicators, as well as mechanisms and deadlines for implementation. Here is what it includes.

1. External and Internal Security – Defense policy; foreign policy; relations with the Diaspora

2. Fight Against Corruption – Transparency in the activities of the civil servants, transparency during acquisition of assets and income; transparency in public management.

3. Free, Dignified and Happy Citizens – Equality before the law; justice and human rights protection; poverty eradication; social protection; improvements in health, education, science, culture, sports, youth, environmental sectors.

4. A Competitive, Participatory and Inclusive Economy – Citizen’s welfare; open business environment; free internal markets; fair competition; export as the major driving force of economic growth; focus on agriculture.

5. Territorial administration, Local Self-governance and Infrastructure – Development of the energy, mining, water and transportation sectors; state property management and migration policies.

6. High Technologies, Digitalization and Military Industry

7. Public Finance Management – Taxation; state expenditure