A Number of Prosperous Armenia Party Members Arrested

ՏՀ―BHK“A number of police officers stormed into the home of Rustam Gasparyan, member of parliament for Prosperous Armenia Party and attempted to conduct a search,” Elinar Vartanyan, also a member of parliament for Prosperous Armenia told CivilNet this evening.

Vardanyan also confirmed information that the Arabkir, Maralik and Shengavit district office directors of the Prosperous Armenia Party have been arrested.

Artur Mamoyan, the Prosperous Armenia Nor Nork district office director has also been arrested on suspicion of carrying an unlicensed firearm.

Vahan Babayan, another MP from Prosperous Armenia told CivilNet that he has been at the police station but was unable to discuss the arrest with officers therefore could not say on what grounds Artur Mamoyan has been remanded into custody. The member of parliament said that representatives of the Human Rights Ombudsman’s office have met with Mamoyan, and his lawyer is on his way to the station.

According to the members of parliament, arrests of Prosperous Armenia Party members is continuing.