Activists shut down yerevan-tbilisi highway

More than 50 activists blocked the Yerevan-Tbilisi highway in the Vanadzor-Marts area on Sunday, November 17. Traffic back up for nearly one kilometer during the protest.

A spokesman for the group said they wanted to grab the attention of the head of the Lori Marz and express their concerns about plans to construct a third hydroelectric power station in the Martz village. Activist Vahagn Minasyan told CivilNet that this third hydroelectric station will divert all of water from the Martz River, which already serves as a source for two other hydroelectric stations.

The activists say villagers have repeatedly expressed their position against the new power station but are being bullied to change their mind.

Last spring, only six members of the Marts community voted to allow the proposed construction to move forward. 310 villagers voted against the plan.

The activist say if their concerns aren’t heard, they’ll continue their protests and take more drastic measures.