One woman’s quest for justice for her sister, tortured and killed by Azerbaijan

Gayane Abgaryan, a soldier in the Armenian military, was tortured and brutally killed by Azerbaijani forces during a massive attack against Armenia in September 2022. For her sister Lala Abgaryan, it was a moment that forever changed the course of her life.

CivilNet joined Lala as she traveled to the Hague, Netherlands, to help deliver a first-of-its-kind petition to the International Criminal Court, formally asking the tribunal to investigate Azerbaijan’s leaders for genocide.

Warning: This video contains graphic descriptions of violence.

  • My heart is heavy for Lala….having to live with her sister’s brutal,brutal death. But, my soul comes alive to know the Center for Truth n Justice will bring these barbarians to justice. Thank you for making these events public. The world needs to see n hear what horrible crimes are taking place as we live “normal” lives. We can make a difference! Please share this production with 10 friends n send a donation to bring justice to Lala’s family and the free world.

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