“In 20 years, you may not find Armenians, Catholics or Greeks in Jerusalem”

Jerusalem’s Armenian Patriarch appears to have approved a 99-year lease off of 25% of the Armenian Quarter. This has raised red flags for Armenians, but also for all those concerned about Jerusalem’s international future. As a result of the deal, Palestinian and Jordanian authorities have frozen their recognition of the Armenian Patriarch. They say that land, internationally recognized as part of Palestine, is effectively being handed over to Israeli settlers. In this second report, CivilNet speaks with representatives of the Latin Patriarchate and the Muslim and Greek Orthodox communities, and explains why the Armenian Quarter and its future is so important to Israelis, Palestinians, Christians and the whole region, and why Armenian and world cultural heritage is at stake.

WATCH PART 1 HERE: “We are living in hell, 25% of our Armenian Quarter is gone”

READ MORE: Explainer: Jerusalem’s Armenians rally against ‘fraudulent’ land deal

WATCH HERE: Jerusalem’s Armenian community continues protests against controversial land deal

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