LIVE BLOG: ‘Tavush for the Homeland’ protest in Yerevan

By Paul Vartan Sookiasian

A protest march led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, which began Saturday from Kirants village in Armenia’s northeastern Tavush region, is culminating Thursday with a rally in Yerevan’s central Republic Square. The demonstrators are demanding the immediate halt to ongoing work in Tavush to legally define part of Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan, which is expected to result in Armenia ceding control of four abandoned border villages to Azerbaijan. In addition to senior church leadership, a number of political groups opposed to the current government have lent their support to the protesters, who have dubbed themselves “Tavush for the Homeland.”

For his part, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has accused the protesters, who he has claimed are under the influence of “drug lords,” “criminals,” and “foreign special services,” of seeking to “incite war” and the “de facto dissolution of Armenian sovereignty and statehood.” He has not provided any evidence to back up those claims. Such a public confrontation between church leadership and the government is unprecedented in modern Armenian history.

For more information, take a look at CivilNet’s explainer on last month’s landmark border delimitation deal and the protests it has sparked, as well as the background on Azerbaijan’s demands for the four villages.

This live blog covers a developing story and will be updated. All times are given in Yerevan time.

9:15 PM: Archbishop Galstanyan declared that after consultations with the two parliamentary factions (“Armenia” and “I Have Honor”), they will initiate the process of impeachment of the prime minister.

At least one third (36 MPs) of the total number of deputies are required to submit a draft resolution to the National Assembly on expressing no confidence in the Prime Minister. The number of deputies of the opposition factions “Armenia” and “I have honor” is 35. There is also an independent deputy who is not a member of either the ruling government party or the opposition factions.

He announced civil disobedience will begin Friday morning and appealed to students and professors to strike. He also called on those in Armenia’s regions to join the civil disobedience: “there should be that pressure in the entire territory of the republic.” He said that together they will get concrete results, and will go about it the legal and peaceful way, promising it will take “7 to 10 days at the most”, not more than a month.

8:15 PM: At the conclusion of the deadline to resign, Archbishop Galstanyan notes that allies of the Prime Minister have been posting photos on social media of Pashinyan calling him the “elected Prime Minister”, presumably in response to the demand to resign. Galstanyan says since Pashinyan did not willingly resign, he will be forced to do so, starting with a vote of no confidence in Parliament, where Pashinyan’s Civil Contract party holds a majority, and acts of civil disobedience.

Addressing the people gathered in the square, Galstanyan said: “If the liberation of Armenia, statehood is dear to you, it is our honor, then we must win our victory by suffering these two or three days.” He will spend the night in the square.

7:45 PM: The deadline for the Prime Minister to resign has been reached but he does not appear to have responded. Archbishop Galstanyan announces an extension of 15 minutes to discuss terms of resignation.

7:12 PM: Member of Parliament Garnik Danielyan from the “Armenia” faction addressed the crowd. He stood next to Galstanyan throughout the march after demonstrating with him at Kirants village. Galstanyan is now leading the crowd in chants of their slogan: “Armenian, Armenia, Fatherland, and God.”

6:45 PM: Galstanyan prefaced the resignation demand by saying: “This government, led by their leader, has failed to manage the country. They destroyed the entire security system, they targeted the church from the first day, they hit the important pillars of our identity, the world of Artsakh is gone today, look at the borders of Armenia, how many square kilometers have been conquered by the enemy? And in the context of all this, I think I won’t be wrong, Nikol Pashinyan.”

6:40 PM: Galstanyan marks the time as 6:40 PM, saying that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has one hour to resign.

6:35 PM: Galstanyan says they are not opposed to peace and border delimitation, but frames the current process as unacceptable unilateral concessions. Points to Azerbaijan’s threats of force and the lack of guarantees against it still attacking despite the demarcation.

6:23 PM: After singing the national anthem and reciting the Lord’s Prayer, Archbishop Galstanyan gave some remarks, explaining his white attire as representing harmony, peace, and victory. He was followed by remarks from Gurgen Melikyan, former Dean of Oriental Studies at Yerevan State University.

5:57 PM: The marchers have reached Republic Square and are making their way through the crowd to the stage.
4:30 PM: The Republic Square rally was scheduled to begin at 4 PM but the marchers are still on their way there. Thousands of supporters await them in the square.

The “Tavush for the Homeland” protest march has arrived in Yerevan for a rally in Republic Square. Follow our Live Blog for the latest developments.

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